Hale, K., K. Musselman, N. Bjarke, B. Livneh, E.S. Hinckley, and N.P. Molotch. 2024. Changes in snow water storage and hydrologic partitioning in an alpine catchment in the Colorado Front Range. Hydrological Processes.
Miller, H.R., Driscoll, C.T. and E.S. Hinckley. 2024. Mercury cycling in the US Rocky Mountains: a review of past research and future priorities. Biogeochemistry, 167(1), pp.1-20.
Jech, S., C.R. Adamchak, S.C. Stokes, M.E. Wiltse, J. Callen, J. VanderRoest, E.F. Kelly, E.S. Hinckley, H.J. Stein, T. Borch, and N. Fierer. 2024. Determination of Soil Contamination at the Wildland-Urban Interface after the 2021 Marshall Fire in Colorado, USA. Environmental Science & Technology.
Miller, H.R., C.T. Driscoll, and E.S. Hinckley. 2023. Mercury cycling in the U.S. Rocky Mountains: A review of past research and future priorities. Biogeochemistry.
Gerson J.R., and Hinckley E.S. 2023. Managing sulfur use in agricultural systems to meet crop needs and reduce environmental consequences. Earth’s Future 11. DOI: 10.1029/2023EF003723
Received the EOS Editor’s Highlight
Hermes, A.H., M.N. Logan, B.A. Poulin, A.M. McKenna, T.E. Dawson, T. Borch, and E.S. Hinckley. 2023. Agricultural sulfur applications alter the quantity and composition of dissolved organic matter from field-to-watershed scales. Environmental Science & Technology.
Singley, J.G., M.N. Gooseff, M.R. Salvatore, D.M. McKnight, and E.S. Hinckley. 2023. Differentiating physical and biological storage of nitrogen along an intermittent Antarctic stream corridor. Freshwater Science.
E.S. Hinckley and C.T. Driscoll. 2022. As atmospheric deposition declines, what is the source of sulfur to U.S. crops? Nature Communications Earth and Environment.
Hinckley, E.S. and S. Fendorf. 2022. Field science in the age of online learning: Dynamic instruction of techniques to assess soil physical properties. Frontiers in Education – STEM Education.
Hinckley, E.S., H.R. Miller, A. Lezberg, and B. Anacker. 2022. Changes to soil nitrogen cycling with Tall Oatgrass invasion of a Colorado tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Oecologia, 1-8.
Hermes, A.L., T.E. Dawson, and E.S. Hinckley. 2022. Sulfur isotopes illuminate new aspects of sulfur cycling in human-dominated systems. Environmental Research Letters 17(5), 054032.
Singley, J.G., K. Singha, M.N. Gooseff, A.S. Ward, R. González-Pinzón, T.P. Covino, J. Dorley, and E.S. Hinckley. 2022. Identification of hyporheic extent and functional zonation during seasonal streamflow recession by unsupervised clustering of time-lapse electrical resistivity models. Hydrological Processes.
Rey, D.M., E.S. Hinckley, M. Walvoord, and K. Singha. 2021. Integrating observations and models to determine the effect of seasonally frozen ground on hydrologic partitioning in alpine hillslopes in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA Hydrological Processes 35(10), e14374.
Bjarke, N., B. Livneh, S. Elmendorf, N. Molotch, E.S. Hinckley, J. Morse, N. Emery, P. Johnson, and K. Suding. 2021. Catchment scale observations at the Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research site. Hydrological Processes.
Feinberg, A., A. Stenke, T. Peter, E.S. Hinckley, C.T. Driscoll, and L.H.E. Winkel. 2021. Reductions in the deposition of sulfur and selenium to agricultural soils pose risk of future deficiencies. Nature Communications Earth and Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-021-00172-0.
Singley, J.G., M.N. Gooseff, D.R. McKnight, and E.S. Hinckley. 2021. The role of hyporheic connectivity in determining nitrogen availability: Insights from an intermittent Antarctic stream. JGR-Biogeosciences, doi: e2021JG006309.
Jones, J., P.M. Groffman, J. Blair, F.W. Davis, H. Dugan, E.S. Euskirchen, S.D. Frey, T. Harms, E.S. Hinckley, M. Kosmala, S. Loberg, S. Malone, K. Novick, S. Record, A.V. Rocha, B. Ruddell, E.H. Stanley, C. Sturtevant, A. Thorpe, T. White, W.R. Wieder, L. Zhai, and K. Zhu. 2020. Synergies among environmental science research and monitoring networks: A research agenda. Earth’s Future e2020EF001631
*Crawford, J.T., E.S. Hinckley, and J.C. Neff. 2020. Long-term trends in acid precipitation and watershed elemental export from an alpine catchment of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA. JGR-Biogeosciences, e2020JG005683.
Hermes, A.L., B.A. Ebel, S.F. Murphy, and E.S. Hinckley (2020) Fates and fingerprints of sulfur and carbon following wildfire in economically important croplands of California, U.S. Science of the Total Environment, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142179.
Devadoss, J., N. Falco, B. Dafflon, Y. Wu, M. Franklin, A.L. Hermes, E.S. Hinckley and H.M. Wainwright (2020) Remote sensing informed zonation for understanding snow, plant, and soil moisture dynamics within a mountain ecosystem. Remote Sensing - Biogeosciences, 12(17): 2733.
Hinckley, E.S., *J.T. Crawford, H. Fakhraei, and C.T. Driscoll (2020) A shift in sulfur cycle manipulation from atmospheric emissions to agricultural additions. Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-0620-3.
*Heindel, R.C., A.L. Putman, S.F. Murphy, D.A. Repert, and E.S. Hinckley (2020) Atmospheric dust deposition varies by season and elevation in the Colorado Front Range. JGR-Earth Surface Processes,
Chen, Y., W.R. Wieder, A.L. Hermes, and E.S. Hinckley (2020) The role of physical properties in controlling soil nitrogen cycling across a tundra-forest ecotone of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, U.S. Catena, 186, 104369.